Jetty Road
PH: 59 811 666

Parent Info

Our Programs

Our curriculum at Jetty Road Childcare and Kindergarten is guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standard (NQS).

The educational programs are designed to promote a strong sense of wellbeing and belonging in every child, and foster all five areas of development
- social
- emotional
- language
- intellectual
- physical

We recognise the importance of both 3 year old and 4 year old Kindergarten, and offer both programs full time.
Our play-based programs offer children a wide range of interesting and engaging activities, including weekly sessions of music, yoga, gardening and cooking. Incursions held regularly at the centre broaden the children’s experiences and provide scope for learning and having fun.

Jetty Road Childcare and Kindergarten values individuality by tailoring our programs to each child and “giving every child the opportunity and time to develop and thrive in their own unique way”. Children with additional needs are supported through educators and families working cooperatively together.

Our educators caring for younger children offer flexible routines and work with families to maintain routines from home. Developmentally appropriate self-help skills and independence are encouraged in all rooms, particularly in the 4 year old Kindergarten as part of the school readiness program.

All programs are on display daily in each room and families are encouraged to provide input into the programming.



Jetty Road
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